Town-wide Yard Sale Rescheduled for October 5th.
Thank you for your patience with us as we waited for the weather forecast to become a bit more certain. What we are seeing as of this evening is that there is a chance of rain both Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately it's hovering around 50% during some of the sale hours both days and could really go one way or the other. We remember how disappointed (angry? frustrated?) sellers were in the spring when we were faced with a similar scenario and the amount of shoppers was less than desired.
Thank you to those of you who completed the poll.. it was definitely helpful to consider your feedback as we made a decision. As of 5pm, we received 50 responses with 68% wanting us to wait till this evening to make the call, 22% wanting to immediately push the date to next Saturday, and 12% willing to go along with the majority. If those results had been the opposite, we would have made the call to move to next week earlier in the day today. 70% of respondents are willing to hold sales next week. For the 30% of you that are not able to do so, please contact us if you would like a refund of your $10 donation (this option was available only to those who registered online).
A Sunday yard sale is only possible when an ordinance has been issued, and we only had that for this Sunday, so the yard sale will be on next Saturday rain or shine.
We are planning to replace the yard signs for next year, so if you have one, please feel free to change the date on it to next Saturday.
We recognize that this decision will not please everyone and it was a tough call for us to make, but please know that we ultimately chose the plan that seemed to have the best chance of success. We will keep registration open through next week, so feel free to pester your neighbors to register. The more people selling around you, the greater the crowd you will attract!
Thanks as always for your support
Audubon Celebration Committee