Fall Town-wide Yard Sale

Every year in the Fall, the intrepid citizens of Audubon prepare for winter hibernation by clearing out their dens, attics, garages and basements. It’s time for another town-wide Yard Sale!

Our Fall event takes place on Saturday September 30th from 8am to 2pm. We usually have between 150 and 200 households participating, and shoppers travel from all over South Jersey and Philadelphia to pick up bargains.

Seller registration fee $10 - all proceeds benefit the Audubon Celebration Committee, and funds are used for Audubon Day, the 4th of July Parade, and other local events. REGISTER HERE.

Deadline for inclusion in our Yard Sale Map is Thursday September 28th at midnight. You may still register up until 8am on Saturday, but you will not be included on the map if you register after midnight on Thursday.

Yard Sale maps will be published on the Friday before the event by 2pm - get yours right here on the website! Hard copies will also be available from the stores on the 100 block of West Merchant Street.


Yard Sale Map


2023 4th of July Trophy winners